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How do I update my Uzube profile information like my name, email, cover photo, Profile picture etc?

You'll need to log into your Uzube account before you're able to update your profile information. To update your profile information, such as your name, profile picture, cover photo, and email address linked with your account, follow these steps: 1. Tap in the bottom right of the screen to go to My Account. 2. Go to your profile. 3. Tap Edit in the top right of the screen. 4. Update your profile information and then click Save. Some information on your profile is only visible to you. This includes your email address, phone number, D.O.B, and gender.

How do I view my own profile?

To view your own profile: 1. Tap in the bottom right of the screen to go to My Account. 2. Click on your username to view Your Profile.

How do I add a profile description/bio to my profile?

To add your profile description/bio: 1. Tap in the bottom right of the screen to go to your profile. 2. Tap Edit at the top of the screen, then tap Profile Description/Bio. 3. Write your bio or profile description. 4. Tap Done and click Save.

How do I change my password on Uzube?

If you've forgotten your password and are logged out of your account, you may request a password reset from the login screen. If you know your current password and can get into your account, you can change it from your Settings: 1. Tap in the bottom right of the screen to go to My Account. 2. Tap Settings and then Change Password. 3. Enter your Old Password and then enter your New Password. 4. Tap Submit. Use a combination of at least 8 characters, which should contains Uppercase & Lowercase alphabets, numbers and symbols (like @, $ and &) to create a strong password.

Where are my account settings

You must be signed into your Uzube account to see your account settings. To go to your account settings: 1. Tap in the bottom right of the screen to go to My Account. 2. Tap Settings, and then select Account Settings.

How can I logout from Uzube?

You can log out of the Uzube app by going to your profile. 1. Click in the bottom right of the screen to go to My Account. 2. Tap Settings, and then select Account Settings. 3. Click Log out.

How do I Delete my Uzube account?

Deleting your account will remove all of your profile information, photos, videos, comments, likes, and followers permanently. To Delete your Uzube account: 1. Tap in the bottom right of the screen to go to My Account. 2. Tap Settings, and then click Delete Account. 3. State why you want to delete your account. 4. Tap Confirm.

How can I check videos, images & the number of posts in my own account?

You can view your videos, images & number of posts on Uzube at any time. 1. Tap in the bottom right of the screen to go to My Account. 2. Click on your profile. Here, you may be able to view your videos, images & the number of posts.

How do I check the number of Followers and people following me and requests received?

You can check the number of followers and people following you on Uzube from your profile. 1. Tap in the bottom right of the screen to go to My Account. 2. Go to your profile. 3. Click on Connections. It will show the number of people you are following, the number of people who are following you, and the number of requests you have received. Tap the “Followers” button to check who is following you. Tap the “Following” button to check the list of people you follow. Click on the “ Request Received” button to view the requests that you have received.

How do I delete my own posts (Images & Videos) from my account?

To delete a photo or video that you've posted: 1. Tap in the bottom right of the screen to go to My Account. 2. Go to your profile. 3. Tap (Delete Icon) in the top left of your post you want to delete. 4. Tap “Yes” to confirm.

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